Monday, December 9, 2013

Sickness & Pain (17 Days Post Op)

Update: Pin Site Infection

Today has been one rough day !! I have been sick as a dog. My Doctor told me to take 2 pain pills to help with the pain, and I think that was THE WORST thing for me to do !!! 2 pain pills was just way too much for my little body to handle. About 15 minutes after taking the pills, I started to feel super, super drowsy and really weak. I dosed in and out for 30 min intervals for about 2 hrs. During that time, my body was scorching hot and I was so weak to the point I couldn't even lift up my arms to pick up my phone for when someone called to check on me. Finally, I was able to sleep for about 2 hrs all the way through. When I finally woke up, I didn't feel any better. Granite my foot was no longer in pain (while elevated) but I felt terrible on the inside. I was EXTREMELY nauseous, weak, hot, aching....all of the above ! Finally I forced myself out of bed to try and eat. When I got up and made my way into the kitchen, I felt nothing but dizziness and ended up throwing up ! I was so surprised because I haven't thrown up in such a very long time ! The whole time I was thinking "Man ! I will never take 2 pain pills ever again!!"  

I made my way back to the bedroom...but ended up not eating. By this time, I was just weak and hungry with no appetite which is such a bad feeling :( 

I dozed in and out throughout the rest of the night, still weak, but I have to admit, that after throwing up and getting some sleep, I started to feel just a tad bit better as far as the dizziness and weakness is concerned. 

My foot feels a WHOLE LOT better (when elevated) before I couldn't even bare the pain. However when I get up and walk it still hurts. But it's okay because I've been in bed most of the day. It just sucks that I'm back to slow walking and using my walker ! I was doing sooooo good with walking ! I didn't even have to use my crutches ! But to have to go back and use my walker again just feels like a huge set back !!! *sigh* Right now it just feels like I'm moving backwards and not forwards :(

But anyways, it's the middle of the night, and I'm up finally eating. I had to force myself to eat. And I more than likely won't even eat all of what I fixed...but's something. 

After's back to sleep I go. I'm praying that my health is much better tomorrow !!!

If you have any questions about my recovery with Brachymetatarsia, or just want to chit chat because you have this deformity also, you are more than welcome to email me at

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