Monday, December 9, 2013

Pin Infection (17 Days Post Op)

It's been one heck of a night and one heck of a morning. It turns out that I have a Pin Site Infection, which is very common when recovering with External Fixators. But let me tell you...the pain is EXCRUCIATING ! Well at least for me it is. Everyone is different ! This is the most pain I've experienced while recovering. I only have pain in my left foot (1 ex fix). My right foot is totally fine. Last night it was very uncomfortable to sleep. The pain feels as though I sprained or broke my ankle, so I can barely rotate my foot without wanting to cry. My short toe hurts like crazy !!! It feels like I'm constantly getting stabbed in my toe with knives ! Yes the pain is that bad ! And around my pins there is a burning sensation that comes and goes every now and again :( After my shower this morning, while I was cleaning my pins, I noticed that my skin stretched and that there was more puss around my pins and a bit of swelling. So I texted the pic below to my Doctor, and they told me to start taking my antibiotics. A couple minutes later they called and explained that the pain I'm having is due to the pin infection as well as to me turning my ex fix. So I can't wait to complete the turning process !! I haven't taken any pain meds in a whole week, but I had to take one this morning, because the pain was unbearable. I took one pill and that didn't relieve any pain what so ever. So my Doctor told me to up to 2 pills. It's about time for me to take the meds hopefully 2 pills will ease the pain. I also haven't used my walker in a week, but I've gone back to using it today because now I can BARELY walk due to my left foot. So I changed my gauzes and rewrapped my foot, making sure that I secure my ankle a bit more. I have my feet elevated and iced my left ankle, but that really didn't help.  My Doctor is calling my local pharmacy to put in for a stronger pain medication....but how will I make my way to the pharmacy to pick up the medication??? I have no clue !! Now is when I wish I had my loved ones back here to help me out again *sigh* But I'll find a way to make it through. 

If you have any questions about my recovery with Brachymetatarsia, or just want to chit chat because you have this deformity also, you are more than welcome to email me at

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