Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Had An Accident (25 Days Post Op)

Well this morning has been one heck of a morning ! I had a minor accident this a.m.  While trying to get in the shower this morning, on of my crutches dropped on my ex fix on my left foot. Of course it had to drop on the foot that causes me the most pain. It hurt like heck ! But only for about ten mins then the pain went away. I text my Doctor and they told me to be extra careful while in the bathroom because that's where most accidents happen. So all in all, that isn't something I should worry about too much. 

Oh ! And not to mention , about 5 days ago, I dropped a 1/2 gallon of milk on my right foot (2 ex fixs) but that's another story ! Lol. I just need to learn to be a bit more careful and less clumsy !!! 

On another note, I've been taking my antibiotics for my pin site infection for about 9 days now, although the pain has ceased, the infection still looks very bad ! I texted a picture to my Doctor and they wanted me to come in the next day to take a look at it. But unfortunately, I'm hours away and won't be back in the area for about two weeks. So once again, they have to call my local pharmacy to prescribe me a stronger antibiotic so that the infection can heal better and faster. This time I'm at my mothers house, so thankfully she can go and pick up my prescription for me. My Doctor also told me to start changing my dressing 3x's a day vs. once a day and to also clean the area with Betadine. Right now it's just a lot of puss and it's still swollen, and stings a little. So I'm praying that I will start seeing change with the infection once I start taking these new antibiotic pills. This whole time, my right foot has given me no problems at all ! My right foot is a tropper ! Just waiting for my left foot to heal and become a tropper also ! 

If you have any questions about my recovery with Brachymetatarsia, or just want to chit chat because you have this deformity also, you are more than welcome to email me at thebrachylessgirl@gmail.com

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