Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Walmart Trip ! (4 Days Post Op)

So I just got back from my first outting since surgery. I went to Walmart and out to Dinner with my Grandma and Aunt. We went grocery shopping for thanksgiving dinner. And happy to say that I really enjoyed myself ! Who would've thought that I would ever enjoy a trip to Walmart so much ?! I was ready to get out the house and be out and about. I didn't have to do much walking thankfully. All I did was walk to the car, to one of the motor vehicles in Walmart, then back to the car again. Then from the car to Ruby Tuesdays and back again, then finally home. However the little bit of walking I did do did strengthen my feet and it's becoming easier for me to walk (with my walker)...the more I get up and try. Also, after being cooped up in the house for 4 days, I did enjoy the fresh air I got while I was out. I didn't bring my pain medicine with me, but I do recommend it if you are going out for the first time. My feet started to ache a little towards the end of my outting (dinner time) but once again, it wasn't pain that I couldn't tolerate. Now I'm back home, took some meds, got my feet elevated and iced. And I'm cooling for the rest of the night. :) 

If you have any questions about my recovery with Brachymetatarsia, or just want to chit chat because you have this deformity also, you are more than welcome to email me at thebrachylessgirl@gmail.com

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