Thursday, November 28, 2013

My First Turn ! (6 Days Post Op)

First off...HAPPY THANKSGIVING !!! So my Aunt did my first turn this morning ! And everything went well ! I did not fell a thing ! So hopefully my turns continue to be painless. I also was able to take my first shower since surgery. My Doctor allows you to get the External Fixator completely wet, so that makes everything so much easier. My first shower was a success. I purchased a shower chair to make showering a breeze. And indeed it was. I rewrapped my feet with new gauze and ace bandage. So now I'm all fresh and ready for this exciting day with Family and Friends !! 

Ohhh...and one more thing ! My walking is defenitely improving !! I'm no longer hunched over like an old lady with my walker. I'm walking up right and much faster. I'm also not taking as much pain medication as before. Before I was taking about 5 a day ( 1 every 4 hrs) now I'm only needing about 2 a day. 

If you have any questions about my recovery with Brachymetatarsia, or just want to chit chat because you have this deformity also, you are more than welcome to email me at

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