Thursday, November 28, 2013

My First Turn ! (6 Days Post Op)

First off...HAPPY THANKSGIVING !!! So my Aunt did my first turn this morning ! And everything went well ! I did not fell a thing ! So hopefully my turns continue to be painless. I also was able to take my first shower since surgery. My Doctor allows you to get the External Fixator completely wet, so that makes everything so much easier. My first shower was a success. I purchased a shower chair to make showering a breeze. And indeed it was. I rewrapped my feet with new gauze and ace bandage. So now I'm all fresh and ready for this exciting day with Family and Friends !! 

Ohhh...and one more thing ! My walking is defenitely improving !! I'm no longer hunched over like an old lady with my walker. I'm walking up right and much faster. I'm also not taking as much pain medication as before. Before I was taking about 5 a day ( 1 every 4 hrs) now I'm only needing about 2 a day. 

If you have any questions about my recovery with Brachymetatarsia, or just want to chit chat because you have this deformity also, you are more than welcome to email me at

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Walmart Trip ! (4 Days Post Op)

So I just got back from my first outting since surgery. I went to Walmart and out to Dinner with my Grandma and Aunt. We went grocery shopping for thanksgiving dinner. And happy to say that I really enjoyed myself ! Who would've thought that I would ever enjoy a trip to Walmart so much ?! I was ready to get out the house and be out and about. I didn't have to do much walking thankfully. All I did was walk to the car, to one of the motor vehicles in Walmart, then back to the car again. Then from the car to Ruby Tuesdays and back again, then finally home. However the little bit of walking I did do did strengthen my feet and it's becoming easier for me to walk (with my walker)...the more I get up and try. Also, after being cooped up in the house for 4 days, I did enjoy the fresh air I got while I was out. I didn't bring my pain medicine with me, but I do recommend it if you are going out for the first time. My feet started to ache a little towards the end of my outting (dinner time) but once again, it wasn't pain that I couldn't tolerate. Now I'm back home, took some meds, got my feet elevated and iced. And I'm cooling for the rest of the night. :) 

If you have any questions about my recovery with Brachymetatarsia, or just want to chit chat because you have this deformity also, you are more than welcome to email me at

After Surgery ! (4 Days Post Op)

Surgery went extremely well...and despite the pain, I couldn't be happier with my decision.

Surgery Day : Surgery day was a very lonnnnnng day ! My surgery was scheduled for 12:30pm but I didn't go to the operating room until around 2:30pm. The surgery lasted about 3 hrs for a total of 3 toes. I initially thought I was going to have 4 toes operated on, but my surgeon said that my 3rd metatarsal on my left foot did not need any growth. So he left that one alone. After surgery, I did't experience much pain, more so just tightness and pressure around the foot. It was "pain" that I could tolerate. Plus, the pain medicine helped A LOT !

1 Day Post Op : The next day, I saw the physical therapist who taught me how to use my Walker and Crutches. And the Dr. came in to see me so he can show me how to turn the fixator. After that, I was good to go ! And home I went !

When I got home, I was instructed by my doctor to take it easy for the first 3 days, and that's exactly what I did. I kept my feet elevated and iced. I only walked when needed...(bathroom, kitchen) and when I did walk, I used my walker. Walking gets better with each's definitely not the easiest and that's the time where I feel the most "pain". But it is tolerable. Right now i'm just taking it slow and steady for a safe recovery.

Today is 4 Days Post Op and I plan on still taking it easy, but walking a little bit more. My Dr. says, that the sooner I get up and start walking around, the better. So that's the plan, however, I'm not going to rush my self.

All in all...things are going great !

If you have any questions about my recovery with Brachymetatarsia, or just want to chit chat because you have this deformity also, you are more than welcome to email me at

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

3 Days Before Surgery

Hey everyone... Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. If you stumbled upon this, chances are, you already know what Brachymetatarsia is. I am 24 and have lived with this condition for more than half of my life, and I finally get to have it corrected. I will be having 2 external fixators placed on both feet...well...because...I have Brachymetapodia...because two of my toes are short...not just one. I'm super excited about this surgery because I know this will be a life changing experience. For yearssss I have hid my feet. Avoided pools, water parks, beaches, any event that required you to show your feet...I did not participate in. So I missed out on a lot of things growing up...simply because of my embarassment of my feet. And of course, I have never worn a pair of flip flops out in public, a day in my life !!! Although i've always wanted to. Not to mention that the short toes started to cause me pain in my feet a few yrs back. But that will all soon change...and I can not wait to be a Brachyless Girl !!!! :D Here are some pics of my feet before surgery...

If you have any questions about my recovery with Brachymetatarsia, or just want to chit chat because you have this deformity also, you are more than welcome to email me at