Thursday, December 19, 2013

3 Weeks of Turning (27 Days Post Op)

I'm so happy with the results so far !!! I actually feel like I'm getting somewhere ! These comparison pics make me sooo happy !!! Lol. If you are going thru recovery, I highly suggest that you take lots of pictures to keep track and so that you can notice your growth. 

Even though my left foot (1 ex fix) has been giving me the most pain, it looks great ! And is growing so well ! 

Although I do see growth on my right foot (2 ex fixs) it does seem like it's growing a little slower than my left foot. Maybe it's because I have two toes to grow instead of it just may seem to be growing slower, but in all actuality it really isn't, at least that's what I'm thinking and hoping. 

My Dr. says that I should be able to stop turning next Tuesday (Dec 24th) but I'm not sure about that, my right foot still needs a lot of bone growth, so I'm not sure I'll be done turning by then, but we shall see !

And as you can see, I tried to give myself a pedicure, and did a terrible job ! lol The External Fixators made it hard to paint my little but whatever !

But overall, I'm super happy and can't wait to finish turning and be BRACHYLESS !!!! :D

If you have any questions about my recovery with Brachymetatarsia, or just want to chit chat because you have this deformity also, you are more than welcome to email me at

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