Thursday, December 5, 2013

1 Week of Turning (13 Days Post Op)

So it's been 1 full week since I've been turning the ex fix. Just by looking at my feet, I don't notice much growth. But when I do comparison pics, I then see a difference. Yay ! I can't wait to see how much growth I receive by next week ! 

As far as pain, it still hurts to bend my 2nd metatarsal on my right foot. My short toe on my left foot still hurts from time to time, when I'm standing for long periods of time (ie. washing dishes) however I haven't taken any pain medication in several days, so that's a good sign !

If you have any questions about my recovery with Brachymetatarsia, or just want to chit chat because you have this deformity also, you are more than welcome to email me at

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