Thursday, March 20, 2014

Pins OFF & Toe Shortening !

Soooo, I had my second surgery exactly 1 week ago (3/13/14). I got my pins removed and my second toes on both feet shortened. I'm not too happy with the results honestly, especially my right foot. I was expecting my second toes to be a bit more shorter. I expressed my concerns to my doctor, and he mentioned that it is too early to tell the results because my feet are still severely swollen. But with my feet being swollen, I don't think that changes the appearance of the length of my toes lol. But whatever. Hopefully when I'm all healed, they will look better. 

If you have any questions, you can email me at
You can also view my YouTube videos on Brachymetatarsia at 

Monday, February 3, 2014

The End Is Near ! (75 Days Post Op)

So I had my 4th Post Op appt. My doctor took X-rays and said that my feet look great ! My bones are healing well and now I only have 1-1/2 month left until the fixators are off ! I can't wait ! From now on, I will be taping down a few of my toes on my right foot so that my toes will get used to laying normally. After my second surgery (March 13th), everything should look great !

If you have any questions, you can email me at
You can also view my YouTube videos on Brachymetatarsia at 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Walking Normally: 63 Days Post Op

You guys can check out my YouTube video of me walking normally without crutches ! 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Walking w/o Crutches: 55 Days Post Op

I'm walking w/o crutches around my apartment comfortably. But I do bring my crutches with me when I go out, for just in case. 

....the swelling on my feet has gone down tremendously. Plus hardly any pain anymore !

Can't wait for my next post op appt ! Hopefully my doctor will say I only have 1 month left ! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

A Second Surgery ???

Soooo....I had my second post op appt last week. 

When I got there, I spoke with my Dr. about my concerns and how I felt that I should continue turning on my right foot (2 ex fixs). Just by looking at my feet, he agreed with me and said that we may have to do some more turning. But he said we will determine that once we take some x-rays and he can get exact measurements of my bone growth etc. 

So finally I went to the back to have my X-rays done. I was in the X-ray room for at least an hr while they tried to get diff shots of my foot. 

So finally we're all done with the X-rays, my doctor evaluates the X-rays and does his measurements. He comes back into the room and looks like we're all done turning ! 

......I was soooooooo disappointed !!!! And I think that it was shown all over my face ! I then asked him how was it possible that I'm done turning when it's clear that I should grow more bone ?!

He then explained to me that according to the X-rays, that my metatarsal bones are at the length that they should be, and if I were to do any more turning, I could cause serious damage to my foot which will cause more pain. And that is something that we definitely do not want to do. 

He then used my X-rays to show me that my second toes and pinky toe on my right foot are too long. Because these toes are longer than they should be, it gives the appearance that my other toes should grow more when in all actuality they are done growing ! And it's pretty clear in my X-rays that some of my toes are too long. I've never noticed that my 2nd toes were longer than my big toes until he pointed it out to me. 

So with that being said...we decided that it would be best for me to have another surgery to have both 2nd toes and my pinky toe on my right foot shortened. That way, I would have the "look" or "pretty toes" that I want. 

I didn't go into this knowing or even thinking that I would end up having 2 surgeries. It's kind of disappointing, but I trust my Doctor. Plus, I figured since I've come this far, I might as well go all the way and do what I have to do to get the results that I want. 

The recovery process for shortening toes is only 1 month. So when he goes to take my ex fixs off, he will also shorten a few toes. So even though, I will have a second procedure done, at least I won't have to deal with anymore pins and external fixators ! He said I will have soreness for 3-4 days, then after that, I should be back on my feet. 

But other than that major news, I am doing well. I stopped taking antibiotics. My infection has cleared up mostly. I really don't have any pain anymore, only at the bottom of my feet near my toes at times where it's swollen. But I am healing pretty good. 

If you have any questions about my recovery with Brachymetatarsia, or just want to chit chat because you have this deformity also, you are more than welcome to email me at